We recommend that you should cleanse your new crystals upon receiving them to rid any old or negative energy.
The more often you use a stone, the more energy it collects. We recommend cleansing your crystals at least once a month. If, however you feel like you are being influenced by negative energy you may wish to cleanse them more regularly. You will also cleanse your crystals anytime you feel like you want to re-program them with a new intention. If you are using your crystals for healing or meditation cleanse them before and after.
You can choose whatever cleansing method feels right for you.
Below are our favourite cleansing methods:
Smudging with Sage or Palo Santo
Other crystals such as selenite or clear quartz
In order for your crystals to perform their function you need to program them to get the most out of their healing benefits. If you are using your crystal for a long-term purpose or goal, setting its intention will allow it to become more powerful, useful and effective in helping you make your intentions manifest into reality.
  1. Be in a place of calm and stillness. You want to be in a relaxed state of body and mind.
  2. Begin by cleansing your crystals and ask that it is cleansed of all unwanted energy and any previous programming.
  3. Hold it in your hand, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  4. Reflect on what your intention is for your crystal. Aloud or in your head say what your intention is for example: “I ask that this crystal hold the intention of Love and Peace, may it remind me always that I am loved and worthy of love.” OR “I will work with this crystal to stay motivated and remain focused on my goals”. You can also write your intentions down to reflect back on at any time.
  5. Place your crystal on your third eye chakra and visualise your intention turning into reality.
  6. Next, place your crystal over your heart sending out gratitude that your intentions have been heard.
  7. When you are done take 3 deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Don’t forget to thank the universe.
Crystals need to be charged to return to its natural frequency. By charging your crystals it will intensify the energy within the stone and therefore increase the intensity of the intention placed into the stone by you. If a crystal is not restored and charged to its natural frequency it may not be able to work to its highest potential.
Some charging methods you may wish to try:
Moonlight (full moons are an excellent source of energy for your stones)
Other crystals
Sound – For example with a singing bowl
Water – Sea water is great. Alternatively natural water works perfectly fine as well and you could also add a tablespoon of salt.
In Earth
Note – It is important to remember that some stones will fade if left in the sun for extended periods of time, so consider this when deciding how to charge your crystals. Likewise, some crystals cannot be submerged in water.
Smudging is a sacred ritual that has been used for centuries. You can use Palo Santo wood, Sage or White Sage incense amongst other methods. Through the smudging process we can neutralise our aura or a space to cleanse of negative energies. You can smudge/cleanse crystals, people, objects or spaces.
When smudging think about your intention and repeat your intention in the form of a mantra or affirmation, we have included some examples below. Before you start ensure you remove any rope holding your smudge stick together. Light your smudging tool and blow it out gently allowing it to smoulder.
Simply allow the smoke to waft around your crystals. If you are holding the smudge stick gently sway your hand around your crystals. If you are using a smudge bowl you can either hold your crystals above the smoke or use a feather or your hand to push the smoke towards your crystals.
“Into this smoke, I release all negativity and heaviness from these crystals. I ask that these crystals be surrounded with purity. May the full power of these healing stones be restored and that their full light and healing energy shines through”
Whether you are cleansing yourself or another person simply swirl the smudge stick around from head to toe. Hold your hands with palms facing up and swirl the smudge over the hands, and lift your feet and cleanse under your feet as well.
“Into this smoke, I release all the energies that do not serve me, all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me”
Ensure there is ventilation by opening windows/doors. Walk through the space with the smudge stick allowing the smoke to get into all corners and hidden spaces like cupboards, behind doors and under beds. Repeat your affirmation as you walk through the space.
“I cleanse this space of any heaviness and negativity. I welcome positive energy and thoughts”
When you are finished place the smouldering smudge stick into a fire proof dish to distinguish. Never leave a smouldering stick unattended and be careful when smudging as any flying ashes may cause a fire hazard. Always keep your attention on your smudge.
You can incorporate smudging into your full moon ritual or as often as you feel needed.
Here at Crystal Nation we smudge anytime we are feeling sluggish, energetically drained or just feeling a negative energy or vibe from an object, space or our own aura.
Our White Grandfather Sage is farmed on virgin land in the alpine region of Victoria, which has been organically growing and harvesting Grandfather Sage for the last 20 years.
It is all produced by hand, from the growing, cutting, tethering, drying and packing using traditional methods. 
The quality of this White Sage (Grandfather salvia apiana) is the best we have ever smelt. The richness of the aromatic and cleansing smoke is intoxicating and divine.
The process of burning dried herbs is a sacred tradition practiced by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. As this is an ancient and ceremonial practice, we ask that when burning our Grandfather White Sage that you do so with awareness and in a mindful manner, respecting the ancient tribes and traditions.
The sage is wrapped twined together. You may choose to burn your sage in one bundle or alternatively you can separate the sage into smaller pieces. To do so simple wiggle the sage bundle gently and the bundle will pull apart. This way you have a few pieces of sage that you can burn separately and may last a longer period, allowing for multiple cleansing ceremonies.




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